Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Broken to bear fruit


I have a friend who is learning some hard lessons right now. S says she’s “learning that its ok to be broken and actually show it because that’s when real healing comes.”

Growing good fruit requires painful, messy acts like digging, pruning, and harvesting. We dig for memories to get rid of root lies, we prune unhelpful and/or unhealthy thoughts, actions and relationships, we wait for the ripening, we separate the fruit from the branch or vine, and finally we enjoy the results! It is NOT easy, but it's important, and if we'll cooperate with the process there will be good fruit. Resist the process and we could lose the whole tree.

S’s lessons about brokenness resonate with what another friend, Jason Goode, is learning from another perspective. Jason has “come to believe that part of the vocation of parenthood is allowing the purity, freedom and openness of our children to expose our own brokenness. Parenthood is an opportunity for healing.” (from Letters to Mahri – January 6, 2010)

So many things expose our brokenness.

So many opportunities for healing.

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