Friday, March 20, 2009

one business card

Two weeks ago I attended a workshop by motivational speaker Roy Prevost. He talked about was the importance of always, always, always having your business card with you, giving it to people, and telling them how to use it.


That Sunday our special speaker was Murray Lutzer, youngest son of Harold and Charlene Lutzer of Canadian Revival Fellowship. I was at Caronport and Kenosee Lake Bible Camp with at least two of Murray’s sisters, so spoke with him afterwards and gave him one of my Siretona Creative business cards. (I didn’t actually tell him how to use it.) That evening his father Harold left a message on my cell phone, interested in hearing more about my ministry. Monday evening we finally talked, and Tuesday morning Harold called again inviting me to lead worship in their church some Sunday morning. Harold said, “We’ll see how the Lord leads.”


Yesterday I received a phone call from Fred Sirett wondering if I would speak at a kids came at the end of August … at Manitou Lake Bible Camp! Harold Lutzer had given him my name & number.


All from one business card … so far! That’s the power of networking.

1 comment:

Janina said...

And here you are now. Seems somehow providential that you are speaking to 9 - 11 year old girls....

From the map I see that it isn't actually at Manitou Lake, though? What's up with that? Looking forward to seeing you Saturday. Maybe we should have a little time at home w/the girls and then just you and I go out for dinner. What time do you want to get on the road?