Thursday, July 9, 2009

A wonderful thing happened today, which opened the door for another wonderful thing.

Donovan (the rep from our printing company) called me this morning to say that the physical proofs had arrived and that he realized I had not received the right eco-audit label, that ours should read "Siretona Creative saved the following resources by..." So he sent me a new personalized one and told me to drop it in and upload that page this evening FREE OF CHARGE because it was Friesens' miscommunication. We only "saved" $6.00, but it opened a window for this ...

The one thing we've been waiting on is the CIP (library) data for this little book. Wouldn't you know, it arrived in my inbox TODAY?!?!? God is good. I know that sometimes the righteous suffer, but I also know that sometimes they are treated to the most exquisite working out of detail, more than they could never have asked or imagined.

This is the new page 2:

And here, for a visual treat, is the first spread in the actual story:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good news, Colleen. And I like the idea of posting the first pages of the book!