Wednesday, April 22, 2009

caring for seniors

I just finished editing a book called Notes from Over the Hill by Martha Morgan, an octogenarian lady from Saskatoon. Throughout the project I kept hearing and feeling the phrase "care for seniors." First of all, the care comes through making Martha's humourous perspective available to her peers, providing important perspective on aging. Second, the care comes through the design of the book, particularly the body text font, which was designed for both beauty and readability.

We actually used two unique fonts: Crab Apple Relish and Candara-custom. Designed by Travis Williams of Georgia, USA, these fonts make their debut in this book. On the cover you can see both of them. Crab Apple Relish is the titling font and appears on the front cover in "Martha Morgan" and "Notes from Over the Hill." Everything else on the cover is Candara-custom. We have had excellent feedback about the readability of the font in the articles. Visit our website for a sample:

The book is at the printer now, Friesens in Altona, Manitoba. The schedule is tight, but we're hoping and praying to have the books back in time for Mother's Day.

1 comment:

rachel said...

so this makes me feel like a geek - but I love candara too! it's my preset in my storybook scrapbooking program. :)